Adopted September 24, 2015
This organization shall be known as the Austin Community College Alumni Network Advisory Council (ANAC). The ANAC is an alumni advisory council recognized and created by the Austin Community College District. It is an integral activity of and sponsored by the Alumni Relations Office (“Alumni Relations”) under the auspices of the Vice President of External Affairs.

The mission of the Austin Community College Alumni Network Advisory Council is to provide recommendations and advice to the Alumni Relations Office. The purpose is to: assist in inspiring and encouraging alumni participation in the life of the College; upholding and extending the influence of ACC and its alumni; strengthening the bonds among alumni and between alumni Austin Community College District; creating an ongoing relationship between the students and alumni so as to develop future active alumni; and fostering moral and financial support for ACC. In addition, ANAC actively engages with other Austin Community College Departments and other organizations affiliated with the College.

Section 1. The Alumni Relations Office has day-to-day responsibility for overseeing the business, fiscal affairs, and activities of the Alumni Network and to develop alumni programs consistent with College policies.
Section 2. The Alumni Relations Office shall maintain Alumni Network and ANAC records and files.

Section 1. The ANAC shall be composed of fifteen (15) Members.
Section 2. Appointment of Initial ANAC Members shall be made by the ACC President/CEO or designee. The Initial Members will serve terms of one or two years. Following the appointment of the Initial Members at the first meeting of the ANAC, lots will be drawn to determine which Members will serve one or two year initial terms. Seven (7) Initial Members will serve one year terms, and eight (8) Initial Members will serve two year terms.
Section 3. Each year after the appointment of the Initial Members, the ANAC will create a Nominating Committee to develop a slate of nominees for the positions whose terms are expiring that year. The Nominating Committee will present its proposed slate of nominees to the entire ANAC no later than the July meeting. The proposed slate will be confirmed by a majority vote of the ANAC. Each nominee must have the opportunity to present themselves to the ANAC Nominating Committee.
Section 4. In selecting the membership of the ANAC, an effort shall be made to have representation from as many different divisions of the College, and from as many different graduating classes, as possible. Special effort shall be made to diversify the ANAC membership so it is reflective of the College and alumni community.
Section 5. After the first year of operation, the term of office for all Members will be two years. Members are allowed to serve a total of three successive terms in the same office. A member’s term shall begin September 1 of the year in which they are elected and shall terminate on August 31 of the year in which their successors are elected. Individuals elected to fill a vacancy may serve a total of three full terms regardless of the remaining term of the vacancy being filled.
Section 6. A member of the student body shall be selected by the SGA with the concurrence of the Director of Alumni Relations and the ANAC President, to serve as an ex officio non-voting member for one or more terms (“the Student Member”). If the Student Member withdraws or transfers from ACC, the Student Member shall be deemed to have resigned, and the SGA shall appoint another Student Member before the next meeting of the ANAC.
Section 7. Any member of the ANAC who has unexcused absences for two (2) consecutive meetings of the ANAC may be removed from office, and the resulting vacancy may be filled by the ANAC. The new appointee shall serve for the balance of the term.
Section 8. If a Member has injured the image of the College or ANAC, the ACC President/CEO, the Vice President of External Affairs, or the ANAC (by a 2/3 majority vote of all Members present at the meeting) may remove such Member.
Section 9. Any vacancy in office that occurs will be filled by the ANAC by appointment by majority vote of the remaining Members of the ANAC.

Section 1. Meetings will take place at least quarterly, or as often as needed in the opinion of the ANAC Officers and the Director of Alumni Relations.
Section 2. At any ANAC meeting, the presence of 40 percent (rounding up) of current ANAC Members will constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting business.
Section 3. Any vote required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the ANAC may be taken via email or other electronic written form, provided written consent to conduct such vote electronically is first agreed to by a majority of the ANAC Members (either at a meeting or via email). Proof of such written consent shall be filed with the Alumni Director and the ANAC Secretary. The result of any vote taken by email is required to be included in the minutes of the next meeting.
Section 4. The ANAC Officers will be composed of a President, Vice President and Secretary. All ANAC Officers shall be elected by majority vote of the Members at the last meeting of each Academic Year.
Section 5. For purposes of organizing the Initial Members, the College President/CEO or designee will name one of the Initial Members as the Interim President who will preside over the initial meeting until such time as a vote is held by the Initial Members to select a President.
Section 6. The ANAC may vote to create such standing or ad hoc committees as may be deemed necessary.
Section 7. Robert’s Rules of Order, as amended, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure at all meetings.
Section 8. The Director of Alumni Relations will prepare and submit to the ANAC for review and comment a proposed program of alumni activities each Academic Year.

Section 1. The duties of the ANAC President shall be to preside at all regular and special meetings of the ANAC and to represent the ANAC at College events and public affairs requiring alumni representation when called upon to do so.
Section 2. The duties of the ANAC Vice President shall be to perform the duties of the ANAC President in the absence, unavailability, or resignation of the ANAC President and to represent the ANAC at College events and public affairs requiring alumni representation when called upon to do so.
Section 3. The duties of the ANAC Secretary shall be to keep a roll of the officers and Members of the ANAC including a record of their attendance at all meetings of the ANAC, to assist the Director of Alumni Relations in keeping accurate records and proceedings of the ANAC, and to represent the ANAC at College events and public affairs requiring alumni representation when called upon to do.

Section 1. The ANAC shall work closely with the Director of Alumni Relations, Vice President of External Affairs, and the Executive Director of the ACC Foundation in the design and implementation of special alumni fundraising programs that are directed specifically toward developing alumni support and College initiatives.
Section 2. All gifts and other revenues generated by the ANAC shall be made payable to the Austin Community College Foundation.
Section 3. Members of the ANAC are encouraged to support the College Foundation in fund-raising efforts for the College.

Section 1. The Alumni Network is an organizational unit of ACC, and its office budget and personnel are entirely funded through ACC. The ANAC shall work within the College’s budget to fund its operations and programs, but may engage in fundraising for programs not included within the College’s budget upon approval of the Vice President of External Affairs.
Section 2. The Alumni Network may only maintain a monetary account within the College. An award endowment or scholarship fund may also be set up within the ACC Foundation. The Alumni Network may not open private bank accounts in the name of the College or the Alumni Network. Accounts shall be maintained and funds disbursed in accordance with applicable College policies and procedures. All Alumni Network accounts will require the signature of the Vice President of External Affairs or designee, in accordance with ACC Policy and Procedures.
Section 3. All contracts and agreements, checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money on behalf of the Alumni Network shall, unless otherwise required by law, be authorized by the Vice President of External Affairs or designee. All contracts and payments by the College relating to Alumni Network business or activities shall be in accordance with the College policies and procedures and state procurement law, if applicable. The Director of Alumni Relations or designee shall be responsible for ensuring that procurement laws and College policies and procedures relating to contracts or payments are followed.

Section 1. The ANAC may recommend to the Director of Alumni Relations that the College recognize such chapters and affiliated groups deemed most advantageous to the welfare of the Alumni Network and the College. Such chapters must be in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth in these Bylaws.
Section 2. Chapters are formed by at least ten (10) members of the alumni community. The chapter must be recognized by the ANAC and the Director of Alumni Relations or his/her designee in order to utilize the name of the College or the Alumni Network, and to receive chapter benefits. A chapter may not open a private bank account in the name of the College, the ANAC, or the chapter of the Alumni Network, nor may it collect dues from its members.
Section 3. When a chapter has been organized, its designated chairperson shall submit a complete list of the names and addresses of its members to the ANAC Secretary and thereafter any changes as they occur.
Section 4. In addition to those activities related to the common interest, chapters are encouraged to participate in activities related to the general enhancement of the mission and goals of the College and the Alumni Network.
Section 5. A representative shall communicate chapter activities to the ANAC.
Section 6. Each chapter shall operate in accordance with the ANAC bylaws.
Section 7. The ANAC reserves the right to recommend the withdrawal of recognition of any chapter should the chapter not comply with College policies and procedures or the ANAC Bylaws or rules adopted pursuant to the Bylaws.

Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws may be presented by any member of the ANAC and must be endorsed by two (2) other Members of the ANAC in order to receive consideration.
Section 2. Amendments must be presented to the ANAC no less than seven (7) days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment(s) to the Bylaws will be considered.
Section 4. A two-thirds majority of the vote must be cast in the affirmative for the adoption of the proposed amendment.
Section 5. All amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by the Vice President of External Affairs or designee before going into effect.

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