Welcome Amplify ACC Fundraisers!

This is your guide to Amplify ACC 2020! This webpage is a hub of Amplify ACC information. Here on the homepage is where we’ll be posting updates on everything you need to stay-in-the-know about 24-Hour Fundraising and Social Media activities.

As you start to explore these pages, you’ll notice our Toolkit. This kit was designed to help you as you reach out to your community to create buzz around Amplify ACC  and encourage participation in the overall event and your personal fundraising. We also have an Amplify ACC FAQ section, where we have answers to common questions you might receive.

We’re so grateful to you all for stepping up and volunteering to help us. Thank you for your time and effort in helping us make this the best Amplify ACC experience yet! 

Print this card and share why you are supporting us with #AmplifyACC and then post to all of your favorite social media platforms.


Still have questions?  Email or call Mary Ann Cicala.

You can make all the difference in a student's life right now by funding your passion.  So, make your gift now through March 3, and help us #AmplifyACC!  Whether you donate, recruit, serve a social media ambassador, or help us fundraise - Thank You!